Storytelling in Landscape Photography

There is something strangely captivating about landscape photography; the open horizons, soaring alps, thundering rivers and lush valleys seep into you with each encounter. Curiosity sucks at your consciousness until you become restless, longing for the rhythms and dangers associated with the living presence of this world.

The land makes us who we are – we are part of the land, as it is part of us. This is the underlying context which epitomises the essence of a landscape memoir and which, when utilised to its full potential, can assist any landscape photographer in bringing forth a deeper, meaningful story.

Storytelling in Landscape Photography
Recurring Dream

Creating a Landscape Memoir

The creation of a landscape memoir can be the key to understanding your own interpretation of the world and in finding context to existence, as well as a personal connection with the land. However, telling a story with the use of landscapes can often be a challenge. The aim of a landscape memoir is to unravel the elements within the reality of nature itself and to display these visually, without the use of heavy post-processing.

Storytelling in Landscape Photography
Slow Like Honey

When developing a landscape memoir, it is important to consider how your audience will connect with the fundamental themes. The focus here is not on sunrises and sunsets or unachievable scenes of altered reality, nor is it the mere reflection of what we see. Like all artistry, a landscape memoir is used to demonstrate an individual’s profound impression of the subject matter. Although others may draw different conclusions from your work, your vision is what ultimately underpins the message that you communicate. From the changing seasons to private, untold moments, it is the visually expressed story that effectively makes or breaks the strength of an image and which is crucial in the construction of a project such as this.

Storytelling in Landscape Photography
Arrow to the Unknown

When the subject of your work is as fluid as that of a landscape, it can be challenging to find a place to even begin the narrative. As you stand faced with the natural world, how do you overcome the paralysing feeling of not knowing where and how to start? This is a question that I have asked myself on many occasions. In fact, I often find it easier to begin a story when I am far away from the familiar. Perhaps the difficulty of overcoming the perceived mundanity of our surroundings is why many people travel to distant countries in order to document something more interesting. It is entirely possible though to create a meaningful body of work that tells a story closer to home; in fact, there is no better place to embark upon your landscape journey.

Telling stories with images

When you first begin your own landscape memoir, keep in mind that it will evolve over time. This is the kind of project that will undulate with your philosophy and reflect your ever-changing grasp on the world around you. Observe your experiences and try to emulate the details in the overall image that you capture with your lens. Break down the fragments in the landscape around you. What does each piece mean and how does it convey the bigger picture? What exactly is your story? How do you want your audience to feel when they step away from your collection and ponder it afterwards? Is there harmony between all facets of the story that you are telling, or have you only focused on one part of the whole? Does it matter if you only focus on one part… are you still able to get your message across?

Storytelling in Landscape Photography
Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea

Land Down Under – a Landscape Memoir

The photos contained in this article are from one of my own landscape memoirs, which portray my perception of none other than the ‘Land Down Under’. For me, Australia is a place where the environment is ultimately wild, untamed, harsh and fascinating. It is my backyard – a world of beauty that I largely neglect when the alluring strength of wanderlust takes hold. This dry continent with its unique landscape is my island home. My story is about standing on the land’s edge with no one else around, windblown with the sweet relief of a life and a place in this vast expanse.

Landscape Photography Stories
South-East Coastal Rendezvous

In capturing this ongoing story, I focus on the feelings that each landscape evokes with its atmosphere, breadth and singularity. Sculpted dunes resonate with the ripples of the subconscious; daylight reflections encompass hopes and dreams; whilst the simplicity of wind turbines, frozen in time, convey an air that boils with the distilled immensity of being anchored yet directionless. These are images that describe the depths of my connection with the land and which I hope will resonate with others. The atmosphere that I aim to invoke in these photos is exactly the same as that which I have experienced while immersed in these surroundings, rendered speechless and inept by the beauty of the natural world.

Landscape Photography Stories
Our Kind Multiplies

It has taken me a long time to develop this particular memoir into the form that it currently takes. Along the way, I have even spent months feeling threadbare and uninspired. Photographers are not immune to creative blocks. When this occurs, the narrative in a landscape memoir may become lost and the story somewhat unhinged. During these moments, the urge to take a sub-par photo and to create the magic in post-processing can be somewhat staggering. However, if and when you feel this way, it is important to remind yourself of what the land means to you and how this can be portrayed. It may be as simple as putting the camera down and taking in your surroundings, grounding yourself by concentrating on what you find interesting about the world in which you live.

Landscape Photography Stories

Invariably, by telling your story through landscape photography, you may be able to find your own place in this boundless space that we call home. Locating a starting point is as simple as envisioning what it all means to you; capturing it is like documenting your innermost contemplations as metaphors within the land. It may be difficult at first to find any cohesion within your images, though with effective unwritten communication and by challenging the boundaries of natural artistry, you can create your own landscape memoir that uses the environment to tell the fundamental story of who you are and your personal connection with the world.

Serena Dzenis
Serena Ho is an Australian adventure photographer who finds pleasure in the simple things in life. Her favourite things include slow mornings, long afternoons, pots of tea, cooking, trips away, seasonal foraging and trekking about in the fresh air. She is inspired by the changing seasons, rainy days, big cities, expansive countryside, driving on open roads, misty mountains and flowing icefields. For her, photography is about appreciating and documenting the story from the ground up through constant wandering and learning. Capturing the hidden beauty of the world - both in photographs and words - is something she aims to achieve.


  1. This is a really well-written article, Serena! I also think it’s an important subject as with today’s social media it’s easy to forget about the story. People tend to shoot just to shoot and not to share something deeper.

    • Thanks Christian 😀 I always love to read about the story behind a piece of art, whether it’s a photo or a painting. I think ultimately, we put so much of ourselves into our work that it would be a shame to only look at a photo from the surface. If we are going to spend so much time investing ourselves into a particular pursuit, then it should only be natural to share that deeper part of the story with each other and to foster and allow these connections to grow 🙂


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