A Quick but Efficient Color Enhancement Technique in Lightroom
An image pleasing to the eyes is a combination of many factors of which colors, in my opinion, are a major piece of the...
One Simple Way to Remove People From Images
Imagine yourself walking along the most photogenic landscape you've ever seen. The sun is about to set and the light is as good as it...
Video: Ultimate Lightroom RAW
In this 45 minute section of the Video Tutorial: "ULTIMATE LIGHTROOM RAW" by acclaimed landscape photographer Mark Metternich, you will learn the absolute best...
Edit Images in Less Than Two Minutes
There are some instances where it's important to quickly edit images. Perhaps you're out traveling and want to keep your friends and family updated or...
How to Add Watermarks in Lightroom
Lately a lot of people have been asking me on Instagram how to add watermarks on their images. There are probably a million ways...
Lightroom 101 – Part 4: Develop Module
Do you feel that you master the camera but your images come out dull and don’t look impressive? That your technical skills are much...
Lightroom 101- Part 3: Library Module
In the two previous Lightroom 101 articles, we learned how to organize your computer files and import images into Lightroom. Those basic steps are important for...
Lightroom 101 – Part 2: Import Images
This is part two in our Lightroom 101 series. In part 1, you were introduced to Adobe Lightroom and learned why this is a...
Lightroom 101: Introduction
In this new beginners series we will be looking into the benefits of using Lightroom and the basic knowledge you need to process your landscape photography.
5 Creative Approaches to use Dehaze for Landscape Photography
5 Simple and Creative ways to use Lightrooms Dehaze tool for Landscape Photography. This tool is easy to use and can give great results!