Nik 6 Color Efex: A Must-Have Photography Plugin?
Color Efex is arguably the most popular plugin in the Nik Collection by DxO. It's been a favorite amongst photographers for well over a...
Nik 6 Silver Efex: The Best Black & White Photo Editor?
Silver Efex is a name most photographers who have been around for a while are familiar with. Particularly those who have dabbled with black...
Nik Collection 7 Review: A Necessity for Photographers?
The Nik Collection is a set of photo editing plugins that have been trusted by photographers for more than a decade. Those who have...
Global vs Local Adjustments in Post-Processing
Post-processing can be a big and scary world. There are endless software, terms, and techniques, so filtering out the most important things can be...
DxO PhotoLab 7 Review: Better Than Lightroom?
Adobe Lightroom and Camera RAW have been the go-to photo editors for photographers of all genres. But could this be about to change? There...
What’s The Role of Visualization In Black & White Landscape Photography?
There are two aspects of developing a Black and White landscape photo in Lightroom. One is craft, where you use Lightroom’s sliders and tools...
Topaz Photo AI: Is it Worth the Money? [2025 Review]
Topaz Photo AI is far from cheap, but does combining DeNoise AI, Gigapixel AI, and Sharpen AI justify it? Do the tools work equally...
Lightroom Classic v12.3 Update: DeNoise & New Masking Features
Adobe recently introduced a new update to Lightroom Classic (v12.3) that features a brand-new denoising tool, new masking features, and several other enhancements. It's...
How to Make and Use Presets in Color Efex Pro
Color Efex Pro is a tool both seasoned and beginning photographers should know about as it's been one of the most popular photo editors...
Dodge and Burn With Raya Pro Photoshop Plugin [A How to...
Dodge and Burn is a post-processing technique that’s used to adjust the exposure in specific areas of an image. Photographers have used this technique...