Home Beginner


Just getting started with landscape photography? This is the perfect place to begin learning. Enjoy beginners tips, tricks and tutorials focusing on the essentials within photography and post production.

The Best Aperture for Landscape Photography

What is the best aperture for landscape photography? I often receive this question via the CaptureLandscapes newsletter or from aspiring photographers in the field. This...

ISO in Digital Photography [A Comprehensive Guide]

ISO is the third and final component of the Exposure Triangle, and in this comprehensive guide, we break down the technical jargon and make...

A Comprehensive Guide to Landscape Photography

Landscape photography is one of the best ways to disconnect from an otherwise hectic day-to-day life and just enjoy spending time in the great...

Leaving the Tripod Behind? Read These Tips for Handheld Landscape Photography

Use a tripod. That's one of the most common pieces of advice given to landscape photographers. The main reason is that it opens the...

The Rule of Thirds Explained

If you’ve read any articles about composition in photography, it’s quite likely that you’ve already heard about the ‘Rule of Thirds’. It’s a relatively...

The Best ISO for Landscape Photography

I'm going to start with a statement that you need to remember: choosing the wrong ISO will severely damage the image quality. The aperture...

Photoshop or Lightroom: What’s Best for Photographers?

Have you ever felt that your images don't resemble the beauty you experienced while capturing them? Do you feel like you've failed to eternalize...

Knowing Your Camera Like the Back of Your Hand

Since I’ve started leading photography workshops, I’ve noticed something quite unexpected: attendees would turn up with great cameras, sometimes even better than those of...

12 Tips for Great Landscape Photography

Learning to create beautiful landscape photography might take a lot of time but there are certain steps you can take to make the process easier....

How to Photograph Rivers and Streams

There are many reasons for shooting rivers and streams in landscape photography and there’s a lot involved so here’s part one (probably). Being in the...