Introductions to the Fundamentals of Landscape Photography
In this introduction series we will be looking into the basic settings of photography and and helping you understanding how every change you make can impact your photo. The basic settings are referred to as The Exposure Triangle.
Why Neutral Density Filters Will Improve Your Photography
I'm sure there's been a moment where you've been left in awe after watching an image that has a soft and silky sky or...
12 Tips for Abstract Landscape Photography
The grand landscapes are beautiful to view and probably the reason you got into landscape photography but the smaller details and intimate scenes can...
The Ultimate Guide to Smartphone Photography
Only 3 or 4 years ago, smartphone photography was a joke. The photos were so bad that you couldn't even post them in low...
Do You Make These 6 Mistakes When Photographing?
For many of us, photography is simply a way to disconnect and spend time outdoors but regardless of our ambitions, most have a shared...
3 Tips for Sharper Images
When I first began photographing my biggest challenges was getting the images sharp. In this article you will find my 3 best tips for taking sharper images.
8 Crucial Steps to Prepare Images for Printing
Seeing a finished image displayed online is always a nice feeling but actually holding a physical print gives a completely different type of satisfaction. It's...
The Single Best Landscape Photography Tip You Need to Know
Let's be honest: there are a lot of mediocre and repeating tips out there on how you can improve your landscape photography. Straighten the horizon,...
The ‘500 Rule’ for Night Photography Explained
If you've played around with night photography before you're well aware of the many differences to standard landscape photography. Forget about the rules and...
7 Unexpected Tips for Better Landscape Photography
Let’s face it. Half the articles sharing “the top tips” for you to capture better landscape images are rather generic. Sure, straightening the horizon...