Photography Tips

The posts found on this page are written to help you become a better landscape photographer. Regardless of where you’re at in your journey, there’s something here for you. Learn about the fundamentals of photography, technical skills, compositional skills, creative exercises, and much more.

A Comprehensive Introduction to Black and White Photography

A lot of photographers think of black and white as the classical form of photography but digital technology helps make black and white photography...

NFT Photography: The Ultimate Guide to Start Selling Your Work

NFT Photography, and NFTs in general, have been a hot topic for a while now. It's fair to guess that you've at the very...

The Rule of Thirds Explained

If you’ve read any articles about composition in photography, it’s quite likely that you’ve already heard about the ‘Rule of Thirds’. It’s a relatively...

Long Exposure Photography Without Filters? It’s Easy!

Chances are that you've heard about long exposure photography. Perhaps you don’t know much about it but I can guarantee that you've seen images...

Advice from Full-Time Photographers on Turning Pro

Many aspiring (and seasoned) photographers dream of making their hobby into a full-time profession. Who doesn't want to make a sufficient living from traveling the world...

How to Protect the Camera in Bad Weather

'How do you keep the camera safe when photographing in rain and bad weather' is a question I hear quite often. 'Won't you damage...

5 Common Night Photography Mistakes to Avoid

Are you guilty of making these common night photography mistakes? Then you’re not capturing as great images as you could be. Let’s fix that...

The Best ISO for Landscape Photography

I'm going to start with a statement that you need to remember: choosing the wrong ISO will severely damage the image quality. The aperture...

Introductions to the Fundamentals of Landscape Photography

In this introduction series we will be looking into the basic settings of photography and and helping you understanding how every change you make can impact your photo. The basic settings are referred to as The Exposure Triangle.

Ultimate Guide to Long Exposure Photography

Have you seen images where the water looks soft and silky, almost unreal? Or cars' taillights transformed into long red lines with clouds blurred...