Gear Review: Manfrotto XPRO Video Monopod Plus
XPRO Video Monopod Plus for Landscape Photography
Those who have been following my articles know how highly I value a solid tripod for landscape photography....
How to Photograph Rivers and Streams
There are many reasons for shooting rivers and streams in landscape photography and there’s a lot involved so here’s part one (probably).
Being in the...
Why Neutral Density Filters Will Improve Your Photography
I'm sure there's been a moment where you've been left in awe after watching an image that has a soft and silky sky or...
When I Use Graduated ND Filters (and When I Don’t)
Soon after I got introduced to the use of filters in Landscape Photography I learned about Graduated ND Filters and the significant difference they...
The Most Essential Equipment for Landscape Photography
I often hear people say "It's not about the gear, but the photographer behind it". While this statement is true in many ways, there is no secret that professional photographers rely heavily one selected pieces of equipment. Some techniques are simply not possible without the right gear, at least not if you want a picture of high quality. In this article I will share with you what professionals regards as essential equipment for landscape photography.
My Favorite Gloves for Landscape Photography
Keeping their hands warm is one of the biggest challenges photographers face during the winter months. Born and raised in Norway, I know how...
How to Protect the Camera in Bad Weather
'How do you keep the camera safe when photographing in rain and bad weather' is a question I hear quite often. 'Won't you damage...